Willie Berman – Our Missionary on the Border

A missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church, Guillermo “Willie” Berman is serving in his home country of Mexico as the Mexican Methodist Border Mission Coordinator based in Rio Bravo, Reynosa, Mexico.
Reynosa is on the border of Mexico with McAllen, Texas. Manos Juntas (Hands Together) is the name of this full-time ministry with the Methodist church of Mexico. They provide a variety of support to the local area such as medical care (dental, general practitioners, labs), construction services (building community centers, schools, homes) and a Children’s ministry called “Little Hands Together” emphasizing mission work in their own communities.
Willie has worked with Methodist teams from annual conferences in Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Ohio, Tennessee, and Iowa.
Floresville UMC has supported Willie since 2014 with not only economic support, but new and used tools, backpacks, school supplies, and food items.